We are blown away by what a resounding success our very first Sam’s Superheroes craft and cake stall was at Mickleover’s Christmas Festival. Not only did we make a MASSIVE £1,194.55 but we importantly generated lots of awareness of Sam’s Superheroes and of our forthcoming Family Singalong Christmas Carols event on Sunday 19 December in memory of Sam. Hopefully from yesterday everyone will see we put a lot of effort into an event to make it successful and enjoyable for everyone, and Sam's Superheroes are a friendly happy bunch of people! Even the Mayor of Derby popped over to say hello!
Check out our video of the event here,
Or, watch it on our Sam's Superheroes Facebook Page
(click here, Mickleover Christmas Fair - Fundraising Event 28 November 21)
Words are insufficient, but I just want to say a massive thank you to all of Sam’s Superheroes Supporters for your generous support and help in making this first ever fair go so brilliantly!
Yesterday showed a few things 1. We have such an awesome, kind and strong team of Sam’s Superheroes supporters. 2. I have truly awesome, loyal and beautifully kind friends prepared to give up their precious time to support me, and 3. the astounding generosity and kindness of people and local businesses, that we may not personally know, never ceases to amaze me.
We had a few teething problems setting up, but it was like watching a master class in how to react under pressure; problem solving; urgency, not panic (unlike me), resiliency and level headedness. And we pulled it off!
I am exceptionally thankful to every single one of our supporters for making it a success. You all gave up so much of your valuable time making and baking things for us, you worked so hard, and contributed so much. But I want you to know it is appreciated, and very much valued.
Here is a compilation of photos from the event, and also photos of Sam just so we can remember who is at the heart of all of this I know Sam will be super proud
Watch out for our forthcoming CHRISTMAS raffle, hopefully this week we will be selling tickets! We are just waiting for our licence from South Derbyshire council!
Much love,
Sam's mummy