Introducing our Trustee Team
We are proud of the Trustee team we have brought together. Every Trustee brings a wide range of skills and experience to the role, and were also an important part of Sam's life.
Sam's mummy, Rachel, founded the charity and is responsible for the day to day operation of it. She won't be a Trustee to ensure there is a degree of independence between the daily operation of the charity and those that provide the oversight and monitoring of its operation (Trustees).
We realise the importance of becoming a registered charity, with one of the many benefits being to give confidence to all our stakeholders that we are adequately governed. We are in the process of registering our charity and submitted our application in the middle of June 2024.
We have a strong team of Trustees on board. They are all professional working mums, or recently retired, and we have already adopted the constitution and governance framework as recommended by the Charity Commission.
Meet our Trustee Team

Millie Saunders
Deputy Safe Guarding Lead
Millie is a GP and has a wealth of experience she can bring to the charity, particularly with regards to her experience working as a GP in the NHS. Sam's mum and Millie first met when their children were babies.

Sarah Hindmarch
Media and Comms
When Sarah heard Rachel give a talk about Sam’s Superheroes at an event she was so moved by her story that she offered to help. Rachel described Sam as a caring little boy, who loved animals and being outside. He sounded so much like Sarah's own son, who is coincidentally also called Sam, that it made her think about how she would carry on without him. Sarah hopes that by keeping Sam’s memory alive and promoting the values that were close to him that the charity will be able to make a difference to people’s lives in Sam’s local community and further afield. By profession Sarah is the director of a public relations company called Penguin PR, so looking after the media and communications for Sam’s Superheroes is a natural fit. She is extremely proud to be a trustee, joining a team of dedicated and talented people.

Rhiannon Jones
Safe Guarding Lead
Rhiannon is Rachel’s sister and more importantly Sam’s Auntie Rhi Rhi. She vividly remembers sitting in her car and crying tears of joy when she heard that Sam was born and had the pleasure of her first cuddle with Sam just three days later. She was so delighted to welcome Sam into the family and felt very privileged to have had him in her life for five very precious years. Sam was such a very special little boy full of kindness, love and awe and wonder at the beauty of the world around him. Sam’s loss has left a gaping hole in all everyone's lives. However, Rhiannon knows he would be so proud of all that his mummy and her team are doing at Sam’s Superheroes. Rhiannon has recently retired from teaching after a 33 year career and was privileged to be Headteacher of a primary school for almost a quarter of a century. During this time she worked with many wonderful families and always endeavoured to access support for them when needed. She feels very honoured to be asked to be a trustee of Sam’s Superheroes as the values held by them are all ones that are close to her heart and she is looking forward to continuing to be able to make a difference to people’s lives through her work with this amazing charity.

Emma Plummer
Vice Chair
Emma met Sam's mummy, Rachel, at their local NCT class. They were eagerly anticipating the arrival of our little bundles of joy and were excited, and slightly delirious, to begin their journeys into motherhood. They bonded over practising birthing positions, listening very intently to the session about pain relief and did what any expectant mother should do - chat a lot, drink a lot of tea (decaf) and eat cake. Needless to say they have been firm friends ever since. By profession Emma works for the NHS in Derbyshire in transformation and service development. In non working life she is a wife and a mummy of one child and one crazy dog. The loss of Sam has left a huge gap in their friendship gang, and Emma says they are are poorer for it, and they will miss him for evermore. Sam was incredibly special to all of his friends and his sense of adventure, vibrant imagination and love of all things outdoors, always with Daisy never far away, was a pleasure to behold. Emma feels like it is the most natural thing in the world to be at Rachel’s side to celebrate Sam's memory and legacy. Through Sam's Superheroes they can help spread and grow all of the things that Sam loved and that they know are so important for individual and community wellbeing. Those being the simple pleasures, love and wellbeing that derive from being kind, spreading kindness and enjoying the outdoors (preferably with a dog).
Becky Sutton
Becky met Rachel whilst they were both pregnant, Rachel with Sam and Becky with her daughter Holly. They soon became close friends, as did Sam and Holly who had a very special friendship. Sam loved the outdoors and was often running around in his wellies or riding his bike. Becky and her daughter have had so many amazing adventures and holidays with Rachel and Sam and they both miss Sam very much. Sam is such a special part of their lives, so being part of Sam’s Superheroes and celebrating his memory is very important to Becky. By profession Becky is a qualified accountant and has been working in practice for 15 years dealing with small businesses accounts, taxation and audit, so she is well placed to help manage the finances of Sam’s Superheroes.