This beautifully written article resonates with me so much ❤

It captures the thoughts that have been running through my head, and my emotions over the past months. How I prayed and begged for Sam to get better when he was so poorly and how I thought I was being punished for being a bad mummy. The only part that I cannot relate to is that I have had the most wonderful support from family, friends, acquaintances, community, and strangers. They have given me that one glimmer of light to grasp onto in my enveloping darkness. Not once have I been made to feel that my grief should be moving on, nor have I been judged, nor been made to feel that I am grieving in the wrong way. So all the beautiful people who have given me so much support, thank you.

My grief will last as long as I live, for I will love my son until I take my last breath. You never stop loving your child. I have no doubt that in years to come the way I grieve will possibly change as I try to come to terms with what has happened to Sam and our life together, but grief will always be a part of me. For grief is just love, with no place to go<3 xxxx

Much love,

Sam's mummy







