I would like to introduce Daisy, Sam's beloved dog. She is a black labrador and is two and half years old. Everywhere Sam went, Daisy went too. They were quite simply inseparable.
We have BIG plans for Daisy! I am delighted to say she has a pivotal role in Sam's Superheroes as she will be our Therapy Dog, or maybe think of her as a community 'buddy' dog. Daisy will be spreading kindness and joy wherever she goes and will be giving much needed love, support, cuddles and potentially kisses (to those who want them!) within our local community. If you see her out and about please come and give her a stroke and cuddle!
Daisy is starting her Therapy Dog training on Wednesday 4 Aug with Dog Training B.W.D, where she went for puppy training. I'm hoping she won't need much additional training as she is rather well behaved...well apart from steeling cat food!
Watch our for all of Daisy's exciting adventures, we are very excited to see what joy she will bring in Sam's memory!