THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I am truly overwhelmed by everyone's KINDNESS, GENEROSITY, and SUPPORT that you have shown to Sam and our new Sam's Superheroes Charity. Not only for the massive achievement and generosity in reaching over £10,000 in donations, but for the caring, thoughtful and supportive messages we have received. From messages describing beautiful memories of Sam, to passing on thoughtful condolences, messages to wish us good luck on our legacy journey, business sponsorship, or offering practical help and support with fundraising. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to message, or to generously donate. The messages encapsulate exactly what Sam's Superheroes is all about, and reading them has given me so much comfort, more than you can ever possibly know. Thank you for loving my beautiful Sam and for your belief in Sam's Superheroes. It has given me the confidence and strength to keep striving forwards into the unknown on Sam's legacy journey so we CAN make a difference.

"Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life.” – Jackie Chan

Watch out for some more updates soon.

With much love, and a million thank yous