Sam's Fires Diary - Day 10

Image of Sam's Fires Diary - Day 10

Day 10 of Sam's FIRES Diary
Tuesday 1 April 2021

Location: Nottingham Queens Medical Centre, Paediatric Critical Care Unit


Extracts taken from diary and text updates sent to family and friends.


7am I got to bed around midnight last night. Waking up is incredibly painful. The…

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Sam's Fires Diary - Day 9

Image of Sam's Fires Diary - Day 9

Day 9 of Sam's FIRES Diary
Tuesday 31 March 2021

Location: Nottingham Queens Medical Centre, Paediatric Critical Care Unit


Extracts taken from diary and text updates sent to family and friends.


11am As usual I woke up feeling incredibly anxious. I feel I am in a permanent state…

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Sam's Fires Diary - Day 7

Image of Sam's Fires Diary - Day 7

Day 7 of Sam's FIRES Diary
- Monday 29 March 2021

Location: Nottingham Queens Medical Centre, Paediatric Critical Care Unit


Extracts taken from diary and text updates sent to family and friends.


9am Woke up feeling sick with nerves. Today is a big day as Sam is due to have his…

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Day 6

Image of Day 6

Day: 6

Date: Sunday 28 March 2021

Location: Nottingham Queens Medical Centre, Paediatric Critical Care Unit


10:30am As the main ward is more noisy than the isolation room Sam is wearing ear plugs as we think noise and touch may be a trigger for his seizures. Last night the nurse also…

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Day 4

Image of Day 4

Day 4 of Sam's FIRES Diary
- Friday 26 March 20216

Location: Nottingham Queens Medical Centre, Paediatric Critical Care Unit

2.30pm My brother has sent over a video of a story he has read for Sam with, called “The Day the Crayons Quit” and a video message from his cousins. Such a fab idea…

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Day 3

Image of Day 3

A Mother's Love

- Thursday 25 March 2021

Location: Nottingham Queens Medical Centre, Paediatric Critical Care Unit


08:00 Sam had a fair night. He is sedated to the level of a general anesthetic, he can’t really be sedated any further. They are still trying to rest his brain, so it…

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Day 2

Image of Day 2

A Mother's Love

- Day 2: Wednesday 24 March 2021

Location: Nottingham Queens Medical Centre, Paediatric Critical Care Unit


09:30 Last night was not great for Sam. He is still having seizures, but they are trying different medications to get on top of them. However, they initially…

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